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June 1, 2017. Montclair, NJ. The Free Ebook Foundation announced today that it had taken on the administration of Free Programming Books. Free Programming Books is a collaboratively maintained list of courses, podcasts/screencasts and other free resources about programming and related topics. To date, over 850 different contributors have compiled over 3,000 links to free programming resources. The repo is the second most "starred" repository on Github , and it has a spot in the Github "constellation". There are lists for 22 different languages. (Github is a community where more than 22 million people learn, share, and work together to build software.)

Eric Hellman, President of the Free Ebook Foundation, said "Free Programming Books has been an outstanding example of how citizens of the internet can come together to advance knowledge, learning, and culture for the benefit of all. We pledge to be good stewards of the project and are grateful for the continuing support of the Free Programming Books community." Victor Felder, the Swiss Software Engineer who has guided Free Programming Books for the last few years, said "I'm very excited about this transition, the project means a lot to me and the Free Ebook Foundation is the perfect organization to take care of it. To all the contributors to this project, thank you!"

About the Free Ebook Foundation.

The Free Ebook Foundation (https://ebookfoundation.org)is a 501(c)3 New Jersey non-profit corporation. For more information about the Foundation, email to info@ebookfoundation.org or join our mailing list.

About Free Programming Books.

Free Programming Books (https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books) is a collaboratively maintained Github repository with lists of books, courses, podcasts/screencasts and other free resources about programming and related topics. Fork us, commit changes, and send us a pull request!

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The Free Ebook Foundation is a US 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our tax ID number is 61-1767266. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent provided by the law.